The General Army Hospital located in Djakarta of Indonesia co-built by PULAUINTAN and PT Bauing Construction Indonesia held its cornerstone laying ceremony on the afternoon of May 13 th . President JokoWiddo, the minister of the Ministry of Political Security TedjoEdhyPurdijatno, the minister of the Ministry of Health Nila F Moeloek, the commander of criminal police team Budi Waseso, the commander in chief of the National Army of IndonesiaMoeldoko, commanders and soldiers of 27 military regions of Indonesia, contractor representatives, entrepreneurs attended the ceremony, about two thousand people in total.
JokoWiddo made an address in the ceremony
In the address, President JokoWiddo extended his delight to attend the ceremony. He said, although located in city center, the General Army Hospital was of small scale. Currently, it moves to suburbs and has larger scale. After completion, it will provide better medical service for soldiers of Indonesian Army and special forces, as well as local people. Starting from the first one, such hospital will be planned to build in all 27 military regions of Indonesia.
President JokoWiddo accepted media interview
President JokoWiddo also mentioned that, the government had approved to raise soldiers’ salary by 56%, and it was currently under procedure handling and planned to put into practice in June. He said, Indonesian economic development needs guarding by soldiers. Only with political stability can the whole society be safe and positive to economic growth, and also bring better welfare to soldiers.
President JokoWiddo inspected model houses of the hospital under the accompany of Bei Jingxing the Chairman of PULAUINTAN and Gu Shaoming the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bauing Group
President JokoWiddo launched the ceremony with ministers and commanders of military regions
Bei Jingxing the Chairman of PULAUINTAN said, they would build superior project as they always did, make the General Army Hospital the best one in Indonesia. He added, they were very happy to cooperate with Bauing Group, China’s top 100 enterprises in architectural decoration to build the General Army Hospital as well as the 27 hospitals of military regions in the future. Moreover, Ted Sioeng also highly praised Bei’s philanthropic act to build the General Army Hospital and extended his willingness to donate medical equipment after the hospital was completed.
From left: Gu Shaoming the Chairman, Ted Sioeng the Chairman, Bei Jingxing the Chairman in the Cornerstone Laying Ceremony
Gu Shaoming the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bauing Group and the President of PT Bauing Construction Indonesia said, PULAUINTAN was a comprehensive and strong architectural enterprise in Indonesia and the projects build by it spread all over Indonesia. Mr. Bei was a kind and honest entrepreneur. It was convinced that their cooperation will be bound to succeed! He added, President Xi Jinping visited Indonesia last month and called upon more Chinese entrepreneurs to invest and develop in Indonesia. To actively respond to and put in practice the “One Belt and One Road” strategic vision proposed by President Xi Jinping, PT Bauing Construction Indonesia would step up efforts in infrastructure development and smart cities building, as well as Internet and e-commerce projects. It was hoped that PT Bauing could contribute what it can to the economic building of Indonesia.
It was reported that Bauing Group and PulauIntan signed strategic cooperation agreement in Djakarta of Indonesia on Aug. 8 th , 2014, and the General Army Hospital project is one concrete implementation of their cooperation.
President JokoWiddo shook hands and talked with Gu Shaoming the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bauing Group
After the ceremony ended, President JokoWiddo left the ceremony under the accompany of General Moeldoko the Commander in Chief of Indonesian Army (from right: General Gabot the Chief of Staff of Army, General Moeldoko the Commander in Chief of Army, President JokoWiddo of Indonesia, Purdijatno the Minister of the Ministry of Political Security, Gu Shaoming the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bauing Group, etc.)