On the morning of May 31st, the cornerstone laying ceremony for the Tzu Chi Hospital Indonesia Phase II of Tzu Chi Zone of Indonesia which is located in the north coast (PIK) of Djakarta of Indonesia was held. More than 1000 people, including General MOELDOKO the commander in chief of Indonesia armies, ZhongWanxue the governor of Djakarta province, General GABOT the Chief of Staff of Indonesian Army, GuoZaiyuan the vice CEO of Tzu Chi Foundation of Indonesia and Chairman of AGUNG SEDAYU GROUP, BeiJingxing the Chairman of Indonesia PULAUINTAN, Ted Sioeng the Chairman of Indonesia Sioeng Group, GuShaoming the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bauing Group and President of PT Bauing Construction Group Indonesia and other famous entrepreneurs, philanthropists, Buddhists of Indonesia, and representatives of Tzu Chi Foundation of Taiwan attended the ceremony.
Guo Zaiyuan the vice CEO of Tzu Chi Foundation of Indonesia and Chairman of AGUNG SEDAYU GROUP (third from right) introduced the Phase I project of Tau Chi Zone that had been completed to General MOELDOKO the Commander in Chief of Indonesian armies (second from right), Zhong Wanxue the governor of Djakarta province (first from left) and Gu Shaoming the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bauing Group (first from right)
General MOELDOKO the Commander in Chief of Indonesian armies (middle), Zhong Wanxue the governor (left) and Gu Shaoming the Chairman visited the Tzu Chi Zone
Gu Shaoming the Chairman reported the investment and development of Bauing Group to Zhong Wanxue the governor, and said they would bring China’s advanced green, environmental friendly and high-tech design, engineering concept and technologies to Indonesia, and strive to be the local green benchmarking project in Indonesia.
As Guo Zaiyuan the vice CEO of Tzu Chi Foundation of Indonesia and Chairman of AGUNG SEDAYU GROUP introduced, the Indonesia Tzu Chi Zone covers an area of 10 acres and includes “Meditation Hall”, “Tzu Chi International School” and “Love Stage” in phase I and “Tzu Chi Hospital” in phase II. The Tzu Chi Zone was built under the donation of Indonesian Chinese. Guo said, specific for environment damage, energy consumption, unbalanced animals and plants aggregation, four architectural concepts—“green, sustainability, ecology, health” proposed by Master Cheng Yen the founder of Tzu Chi was introduced into the architectural planning of Tzu Chi Zone.
Cornerstone Laying Ceremony Site (General MOELDOKO (second from right), Zhong Wanxue the governor (fifth from right), General GABOT (seventh from right), Guo Zaiyuan the Chairman (sixth from right), Ted Sioeng the Chairman (first from right), Gu Shaoming the Chairman (third from right))
General MOELDOKO the Commander in Chief of Indonesian armies (right), Ted Sioeng the Chairman and GuShaoming the Chairman in the cornerstone laying ceremony
ZhongWanxue the governor (left) and Gu Shaoming the Chairman in the cornerstone laying ceremony
Bei Jinxing the Chairman of PULAUINTAN the cooperative partner of PT Bauing Construction Group Indonesia (middle), Ted Sioeng the Chairman and Gu Shaoming the Chairman attended in the cornerstone laying ceremony
It was reported that phase-I projects “Meditation Hall”, “Tzu Chi International School” and “Love Stage” in Indonesia Tzu Chi Zone covered an area of 7.5 acres, and were started from May, 2009, separately completed by Indonesia PULAUINTAN the cooperative partner of PT Bauing Construction Group Indonesia. The construction and decoration of “Tzu Chi Hospital” the phase-II project was jointly undertaken by PULAUINTAN and PT Bauing Construction Group Indonesia. This is also another masterwork of PT Bauing Construction Group Indonesia after the Indonesia General Army Hospital.
Cornerstone Laying Ceremony
After the cornerstone laying ceremony, Gu Shaoming the Chairman received interviews by local media.