Recently, Zhou Guocheng the president of Guangzhou Municipal Artist Association, Gu Pu the Vice President of Bauing Group, Liu Sidong the vice president of Guangzhou Municipal Artist Association, London Wu the assistant president of Bauing Group and their group visited Djakarta to inject new cultural blood into the development of PT Bauing Construction Indonesia.
On Jun. 22nd, Zhou Guocheng the president inscribed for PT Bauing Construction Indonesia under the witness of Gu Pu the Vice President and the staff of PT Bauing, with common wishes of successful business of PT Bauing. On Jun. 23rd, Wu Duanhua the Chairman of Indonesia INTILAND gave a banquet to welcome Zhou Guocheng the president and Gu Pu the Vice President and their group, to renew their friendship together. Zhou Guocheng the president presented his own scrolls to Wu Duanhua the Chairman. Then, with the accompany of Ted Sioeng the Chairman and Wu Duanhua the Chairman, Zhou and Gu visited Stiyoso the Minister of the Ministry of State Security of Indonesia, and Zhou presented Stiyoso his works.
Zhou Guocheng the president inscribed for PT Bauing Construction Indonesia (Zhou Guocheng the president (second from right), Gu Pu the Vice President (first from right), Liu Sidong the vice president (third from right).
Cheer for PT Bauing Construction Indonesia (Zhou Guocheng the president (fifth from right), Gu Pu the Vice President (fourth from right), Tao Wuming the Vice General Manager of PT Bauing Construction Indonesia (fourth from left)
A welcome banquet by Wu Duanhua the Chairman for Gu Pu the Vice President and Zhou Guocheng the President, and Zhou presented his own works to Wu during the banquet (Wu Duanhua the Chairman (third from left), Ted Sioeng the Chairman (second from right), Zhou Guocheng the Chairman (fifth from left), Gu Pu the Vice President (fourth from right), Tao Wuming the Vice General Manager of PT Bauing Construction Indonesia (first from left)).
It was reported that the “Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of PT Bauing Construction Indonesia” hosted by Guangzhou Municipal Artist Association would be held in Djakarta in Oct. this year. And Scroll Life of Hakka People in Mountains created by tens of Guangdong artists organized by Landscape Painting Art Committee of Guangdong Municipal Artist Association will be exhibited. The Scroll is 60 m long. It is one part of the creation plan of “Lingnan Culture and Landscape Scroll” planned by the Landscape Painting Art Committee of Guangdong Municipal Artist Association in 2013. During the creation, the artists visited the mountains where Hakka people live in eastern Guangdong many times, revised again and again, polished under the guidance of many experts, and got inscription by Ye Xuanping, Wu Boxiong and Liu Sifeng. It is a hard-won grand and exquisite landscape painting amongcontemporary Chinese landscape paintings. Zhou Guocheng the president of Guangzhou Municipal Artist Association introduced, the scroll described the beautiful mountains and waters where Hakka people live and local folk custom and culture, and reflected the society prosperity, and peaceful and happy life in Hakka area.
Gu Pu the Vice President presented the scroll of Zhou Guocheng to Stiyoso the Minister of the Ministry of State Security of Indonesia (Stiyoso the Minister of the Ministry of State Security of Indonesia (second from right), Wu Duanhua the Chairman (first from left), Ted Sioeng the Chairman (first from right), Gu Pu the Vice President (second from left))
Zhou Guocheng the president presented his own works to Ted Sioeng the Chairman (Ted Sioeng the Chairman (second from right), Zhou Guocheng the president (second from left), Gu Pu the Vice President (first from left), Liu Sidong the Vice President (first from right)).
Zhou Guocheng the president (middle), Gu Pu the Vice President (left), Liu Sidong the Vice President (right) in the head office of PT Bauing Construction Indonesia—before International Daily building