Feb. 2 th —28 th , Li Daxi, chairman of Chinese Association for Science and Business (CASB), Ma Zuoping, American famous micro/ nano scientist, Zhou Pengbo, professor of Medical School of Cornell University, Pan Yihang, general secretary of CASB, Chen Yongting, chief technology officer of AUCMOS and other industrial experts paid visits to Shenzhen and Guangzhou for investigation and forums concerning the new and high technology achievement transform and cutting-edge scientific and technology knowledge dissemination.
1 Academician Ma Zuoping delivered lectures on Moore’s law and the evolution of integrated circuit technology
Feb. 27 th , Bauing Culture Forum together with GDUFS, invited Ma Zuoping, famous micro/nano scientist, academician of National Academy of Engineering, foreign academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and professor of Yale University, to give a theme lecture titled Moore’s law and the Evolution of Integrated Circuit Technology to Guangzhou students and numerous practitioners in electronics industry. About 100 students of computer science related majors of Sun Yat-Sen University, Jinan University, South China University of Technology, GDUFS and other colleges and universities in Guangdong, faculty members from Cisco School of Informatics, GDUFS, and other Guangdong practitioners in the domain of computer science attended the lecture.
▲ Lecture site
Academician Ma Zuoping has been devoted to micro-electronics research, and has made important contribution to scientific recognition and technology development of metals/ oxides/ semiconductors, especially the domain of MOS gate dielectrics (including gate dielectrics of high dielectric constant). Academician Ma is the co-director of Microelectronics Center of Yale University, American director of Peking University—Yale University Microelectronic and Nanotechnology United Center, leading expert in the field of non-volatile memory, and the inventor of FEDRAM. In 2005, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) presented Academician Ma with Andrew S. Grove Awards, which is only offered to one world-level researcher who reputably contributes in computer science. In 2006, Academician Ma won University Researcher Award presented by Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), becoming the first Chinese American who wins this award.
Before the lecture officially started, Gu Pu, founder of Bauing Group made a brief introduction to Bauing Culture Forum to audience at site, and presented a couplet “Have a thorough knowledge of Chinese and Western culture, Devote to writing books advancing his theories”. Leaders of GDUFS also presented souvenirs to Academician Ma Zuoping before the lecture.
▲ Vice President Gu Pu introduced Bauing Culture Forum
▲ Vice President Gu Pu presented the couplet to Academician Ma Zuoping
Starting from self creation theory, Ma thought that human beings will be in the Silicon Age in social development for a long time. He took various electronic products around us as evidences. Then Academician Ma took electronic industry into the whole economy framework for consideration, and proposed the idea that electronic industry is the biggest industry at present and also the industry which develops most quickly. Academician stressed that electronic industry’s foundation is semiconductor science. He further guided field audience to review the revolution of electronic industry from transistors to integrated circuits. He thought that wit Moore’s law going to its ultimate, integrated circuits will have characteristics completely different from previous situations from technology to industry. Academician Ma’s profound knowledge, humorous words, modest lecture style and the charm of teacher’s moral won thunderous applause from the audience.
▲ Academician Ma Zuoping guided the audience to have a review of the development of electronic industry
After the lecture, teachers from Cisco School of Informatics, GDUFS, and students from other colleges and universities according to their actual teaching and learning conditions, consulted Academician Ma about teaching dilemma of electronic industry, the development bottleneck of Chinese integrated circuit industry, how Yale’s students learn and firmly stick to their ideas. Academician Ma separately gave his detailed answers according to his extensive knowledge and rich life experience.
▲ Teachers from Cisco School of Informatics, GDUFS put questions about teaching problems of electronic industry to Academician Ma
▲ Students at site asked Academician Ma about Yale’s students learning methods
▲ GDUFS’s teachers put questions about development bottleneck of integrated circuit industry
▲Students at site proposed questions about Chinese students’ role in integrated circuit development
▲ Group photos
2 Make multi-dimensional survey in Guangdong educational field, pay visit to National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou to seek cooperation
Before the lecture, Academician Ma Zuoping and his fellows, accompanied by Vice President Gu Pu, GDUFS’s Vice President He Chuantian and other school leaders, also visited GDUFS’s MBA Education Center and Transn Multilanguage Harbor, Guangdong Research Center for International Strategies, GDUFS’s history museum and National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou (NSCC-GZ). At GDUFS’s MBA Education Center, Academician Ma encouraged students who are having class to learn in creative way and broaden their vision. At Transn Multilanguage Harbor, Guangdong Research Center for International Strategies and GDUFS’s history museum, Ma learned detailed information about GDUFS’s achievement in scientific research, the construction conditions of 21 st -Century Maritime Sill Road Collaborative Innovation Center and the development situation since GDUFS’s establishment.
▲ Academician Ma Zuoping and his fellows visited MBA Education Center of GDUFS
▲ Academician Ma Zuoping and his fellows visited Transn Multilanguage Harbor of GDUFS
▲ Academician Ma Zuoping and his fellows visited Guangdong Research Center for International Strategies
▲ Academician Ma and his fellows visited GDUFS’s history museum
Afterwards, GDUFS’s President Zhong Weihe also met Academician Ma and his fellows, and had talks about college education and other topics with them. Academician Ma and his fellows finally visited NSCC-GZ. Professor Yuan Xuefeng, director of NSCC-GZ received Academician Ma and his fellows, and guided them to visit Tianhe-2 Supercomputer and learn about its operation conditions, hoping that NSCC-GZ can reach cooperation with chip research institute and international precision medicine academy. Ma also paid a visit to Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center.
▲ Academician Ma Zuoping and his fellows visited NSCC-GZ
▲ Academician Ma Zuoping and his fellows had a panel discussion with GDUFS’s president Zhong Weihe and other leaders
▲ Academician Ma Zuoping had a talk with GDUFS’s President Zhong Weihe with respect to topics such as higher education
3 Shenzhen Executive Vice-Mayor Zhang Hu received CASB scientists who plan to establish chip research institute and precision medicine academy
Feb. 25 th , Li Daxi the chairman of CASB, Ma Zuoping, famous micro/nano scientist, Zhou Pengbo, professor of Medical School of Cornell University, Pan Yihang, general secretary of CASB, Chen Yongting, chief technology officer of AUCMOS were received by Zhang Hu, standing member of Shenzhen Municipal Committee and executive vice-major. They had a friendly panel discussion on affairs such as introducing international top talents to Shenzhen innovation-driven development, and establishing chip research institute and international precision medicine academy.
▲ Group photos of Academician Ma Zuoping, Ma’s fellows and Executive Vice-Mayor Zhang Hu
During the panel discussion, Executive Vice-Mayor Zhang Hu pointed out that, in aspects of developing precision medicine, we can raise Shenzhen medical treatment and public health level by taking advantages of foreign new technologies. Ma said that he hopes we can learn from previous successful experience regarding innovation carrier construction and training. Zhou Pengbo, person in charge of preparing precision medicine international academy also said, the academy would introduce foreign intellectual resources to assist in the development of Shenzhen’s individualized medical industries. Li Daxi said, from his experiences of travelling between China and America, he learnt that overseas student groups are precious wisdom resources to be explored. He thought that introducing foreign resources is not just financing, but also includes integrating intelligence, absorbing foreign companies’ advanced management experience and seeking excellent partners. In 2000, Chinese Association for Science and Business (CASB) and Shenzhen Municipal Government jointly established Shenzhen Overseas Chinese High-Tech Venture Park, and successfully incubated Thunder, NETAC and several other high-tech enterprises.
▶News links
1、 Shenzhen to build chip research institute and precision medicine academy (Shenzhen Special Daily Zone)
( http://sz.people.com.cn/n2/2016/0226/c202846-27813080.html?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0 )
2、 American scientists plan to build chip research institute in Shenzhen (Shenzhen Economic Daily)
( http://shipei.qq.com/c/stock/20160226004921?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0 )